Free Market Road Show 2022

12:00 Opening and Greetings
Richard Zundritsch - Austrian Economics Center
Gia Jandieri - New Economic School
Konstantine Topuria - University of Georgia
12:15 I Panel Discussion: Pandemic and Entrepreneurship, Gia Jandieri, moderating
- Rainer Zitelmann, Keynote Speaker 15 min
- Matt Kibbe - 10 min
- Richard Zundritsch - 10 min
- Thomas Bachheimer - 10 min
- Paata Shehelidze - 10 min
- Q&A - 10 min
13:30 Coffee and Snacks
14:15 II Panel Discussion Freedom under Attack - Natia Kaladze, moderating
- Yaron Brook, Keynote Speaker - 15 min
- Li Schoolland - 10 min
- Terry Kibbe - 10 min
- Zaza Bibilashvili, Chavchavadze Center - 10 min
- Fady Asly TBC, International Chamber of Commerce 10 min
- Q&A 10 min
15:30 Farewell Gia Jandieri, Richard Zundritsch
The Austrian Economics Center (AEC), in cooperation with over 100 leading think-tanks and universities across Europe and the Caucasus, and in association with international partners such as the Global Philanthropic Trust, The Krieble Foundation, Americans for Tax Reform, Competitive Enterprise Institute, World Taxpayers Associations, European Students for Liberty, and the Hayek Institute, is proud to present this year´s Free Market Road Show.
Two years in, and the measures to fight COVID-19 have led to a crisis composed of a bundle of economic, social, and health problems, mixed with a new understanding of governance. Individual and entrepreneurial rights have been eroded, nationalistic and paternalistic approaches to business, trade, and production – not least of medical supplies – were all of a sudden acceptable. Vaccines have brought some reprieve, but lockdowns are still common and we are far from returning to our normal way of life.
Added to all this is the debt we are placing on the younger generation. We mustn’t dig ourselves out of one crisis only to fall into another. While fear is constantly born of each new COVID-19 variant, let us instead spread hope with the Freedom Variant!
დაწყების თარიღი | 30 აპრილი, 2022 - 12:00 pm |
დასრულების თარიღი | 30 აპრილი, 2022 - 3:30 pm |
მონაწილე | 70 |
რეგისტრირებულია | 0 |
დარჩენილია | 70 |
ჩატარების ადგილი | საქართველოს უნივერსიტეტი |